Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Women in Business............. #summer2014 #MECKids #MomNMe #StampOnStyle

This is a whole series devoted to the memories of a wonderful Washington DC summer. The weather was near perfect, at least for Washington. I've been here all of my life, 98 to 100 degrees with 100% humidity is NORMAL in Washington from May through the first of  September. But not the #summerof2014, oh no this year the weather was out of this world gorgeous!!! Beautiful blue skies and a warm breezes that waff gently through the air. We had a few blazing days but who's complaining when its not 20 straight days of Code Red weather. Needless to say it contributed to lots of outdoor events and fun times.

One particular outing will always ring special for me because I had the pleasure of being with some of my most favorite gals. Fran Dean-Bishop did an awesome mentor day to honor startups, soloprenuers, women in business and what it means to pay it forward. An award winning Woman In Business with a 20 plus year successful track record in the Washington, DC Metro area, Fran Dean-Bishop honored Olisi Johnson with Stamp On Style for her tenacity, blaze of new trails and of course style and grace.

This was wonderful workshop that covered everything from budgeting, marketing, goal setting, endurance methods, dreams and brainstorming. I was grateful to be a contributor but I also took away new ideas and a renewed spark of energy for my own endeavors. It was definitely Diva approved!! Complete with champagne, a brunch that wouldn't wait, breathtaking beautiful views of the water and topped off with a limousine that stopped at fabulous boutiques all over Northern Virginia. Stamp On Style #stamped the ladies with her fashion sense. Everyone left the event prepared to forge new paths and determined to continue to be successful women in business.  What a phenomenal way to spend Sunday with incredibly smart and beautiful women. 

Now that Fall is upon us and it's time for another summit for DC Women in Business. We are currently in the planning stages with Visionary Properties, Stamp On Style, MECKids, Mom-N-Me and more amazing women so stay tuned for snippets from our next female think tank! (smile) Just thinking about it gets me excited. If you would like to join our next event please inbox me and I will be sure to put you on our list of invitees.

An Ode to a Fleeting Memory...... #summer2014

I'm back!!! #bloglovin
Well its over. No really, officially its over!! I don't know whether to be happy or sad, jump up and down for joy or throw a terrible 2's tantrum. One NO 2-Year Old ever could compete with but that wouldn't be cute and it would spoil perfectly good makeup! (smile) None of it would bring IT back and that's ok because the memories are amazing and nothing can ever erase them. I loved every minute of it and if I had to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing. Well that's not completely true because there were two major hiccups but even inside of those events we found reasons to laugh through the pain and see a rainbow at the end of what seemed to be a very dismal tunnel.

So by now your wondering, what in the world are you talking about? What has ceased to exist with only a passing memory? An absolutely incredible summer. #Summer2014. No other summer will compare to the laughter, non stop meetings, walking, talking, touring and EXHAUSTION. No other summer will stand up to our meeting 100's upon 100's of people from every walk of life all excited to converge on the Washington DC Metro Region together at one time. What frenzy we experienced in organizing people, events, tour buses, lunches and entertainment to ensure that our friends from all over the world felt incredibly loved. It was miraculous to say the least. I know I am not alone in saying it was a remarkable privilege to foster new bonds and reinforce ones that already exist.

As I sit and reminisce over the Summer of 2014, I can't help but smile actually I just broke into laughter at some of the crazy events that took place. The people in the coffee shop are looking at me but oh well I love to smile and the memories are just too good to hide.  Capturing some of the memories on film was a favorite part of the summer. So I put together just a few pics for your viewing pleasure. Maybe as you peruse them they won't have the same meaning for you as they have for me but one thing no one can miss is the vast amount of joy on all the faces. For those who read this post and can relate to my feelings please share some of your own experiences below. If there is an #outstandingmemory then PLEASE SHARE! If this post and those comments brightens just one persons day then I've done my job for the day and the love, laughter, joy and happiness of The Summer of 2014 will never be forgotten!!!
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