Friday, March 23, 2012

“Do You Have a Jumbo Loan and Good Credit – but no Equity in Your Home?”

The bad news is that there is very little chance that real estate values are going to improve in the coming years.  That means for many years to come you are going to be paying inflated loan prices for a property that may never recover its value.

Well, you are not alone.  Currently, 12 million people in the United States have mortgages that are higher than the value of their homes.

If that is you,

What are Your Options?

#1- You can continue to pay money for a house that may never be worth what you are paying.  This is a like flushing money down the toilet, but at least you won’t have to move.
#2- You can choose to default on your mortgage. With this option you will lose your home, destroy your credit for years, and ruin your reputation.  Not to mention making it next to impossible to buy or rent another home for several years afterwards.  Plus, your lender may still come after you for the rest of the money after the foreclosure.
#3- You can try for a loan modification. But that is just a temporary band-aid and ultimately leaves you paying a lot more later on.  Plus, you get labeled as “a bad risk” just for asking.

However, there is another way.  You can:

Ø  Save hundreds of thousands of dollars on your mortgage
Ø  Get equity in your home
Ø  Maintain your outstanding credit or even improve your credit
Ø  Lower your monthly payments
Ø  Avoid the tax liability that comes with a 1099C

And we can typically do this in two months.

Plus, you get to keep your home, which is why you originally bought it. 

And if you have a second home or an investment property with a jumbo loan that is under water, this simple solution works for you too.

Which Mortgages Qualify for this Program?
Fantastic Question! 
An Individual Must Have these factors:
  • Must Have Good Credit
  • If your credit is poor you must be able to have good credit within a year (we will discuss additional details)
  • Mortgage No MORE Than 3 Months Delinquent
  • Your Current Mortgage Amount MUST Be Greater Than Current Market Value 

What Does My Current Loan Amount Have to Be to Qualify for this Program?***
Another Awesome Question!

1. Northern VA Counties - You must have a mortgage of $479K or greater on a property
2. Maryland Counties- You must have a mortgage of $479k or greater on a property
3. Washington DC- You must have a mortgage of $729,500 or greater on a property

                                                         You Have a Way Out
We need to talk!

Don't hesitate this is NOT a gimmick!  Contact us today to get started and GET YOUR EQUITY BACK.

***Loan Amounts Subject to Change

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