Tuesday, August 30, 2011

News You can USE! The Natalie Dean Daily is Out....

Have you faced #foreclosure or a #shortsale within the last three to four years? Deal with the aftermath can make many skittish about their financial future, the good news- you too can enjoy financial stability after the cloud has cleared. Read further and benefit your family now! Real Estate Section

In the market for a new home? Banks are giving larger incentives to unload their foreclosure inventory. Read further and learn how you can take advantage of a great deal. Real Estate Section

Wedding bells anyone? Looking for a great waterfront #luxury hotel on the beach? Look no further. Leisure Section.

Rent vs Buy a likely question on the minds of many. Read the article that explores it from the vantage of a luxury home owner with a 5 figure rent vs a 5 figure mortgage. Leisure Section.

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